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Hi please note that we have updated our training website to include fee from refund procedure and fee from refund form.

We have received a refund into our Fee from Refund account but I have not received the relevant form to load it into the system to process the refund to the client’s account. If you have recently prepared a return using the Fee from Refund Service and haven’t emailed the form and job details to me can you please do it today so we can process the refund as we can’t see which client it is for? The refund was processed to us on 22/01/2021 but we have been unable to identify it. We have contacted the ATO to get more information but this can take some time so I thought I would ask you.

Also for those that aren’t familiar with our Fee from Refund Service, this is available for you to offer your individual client returns only (that are due to receive a refund), not companies, trusts, etc. We use a third party provider for this service. Clients can have our fees taken directly from their refund for a fee of $12 which is deducted on top of our invoiced amount by the service provider.

The procedure is attached and will be updated in the Tax Module Section of the training site shortly. All the steps must be followed to ensure timely return of refunds to clients. Failure to follow the steps, including emailing me the form and job details, will result in client funds being delayed as the example above or returned to the ATO.

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